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Data Product ADSBHUB


ADS-B is a system in which aircraft automatically broadcast their location, speed, and altitude. These transmissions may be received and used by other aircraft and air traffic control centers. In the last years receiving and decoding ADS-B signals become quite popular among enthusiasts, plane spotters, students, and radio amateurs.

There are many Web sites tracking aircraft and all of them rely on data shared by ADS-B fans. However, the access to aggregated ADS-B worldwide data is limited. The main goal of ADSBHub is to become an ADS-B data sharing center and valuable data source for all enthusiasts and professionals interested in the development of ADS-B-related software.


Tags Logistics and supply chain, Air traffic, Aviation,



Adsbhub scrapper gets the data of stations. This data will be used as metadata for the time series data that will be collected. Data is scraped using BeutifulSoup and the request library.


Created new columns from the data extracted. Once done we dropped the unnecessary columns from the dataset. Also, renamed the columns depending on our dataset and lower snake casing.


Coordinates are added to the metadata for the country. Region and region code are also appended. Geocoder library is used for getting coordinates.

Metadata Attributes

Attributes Descriptions
user_nickname Represents the name of the user maintaining the station
location Represents the city/town information of the station
nearest_airport Represents the name of the nearest airport from the station
aircraft Represents the number of aircraft
positions Represents the position of the aircraft
last_report Represents the time of the last report in secs
country Name of the countries where the station is located
station Represents the name of the station, where the data is recorded
id numeric columns representing the numeric id of each report
airport_code Represents particular code for eas airport in the data
country_code Represents ISO 3166-1 alpha3 code for the countries in the data
region Represents the region in which the country belongs
region_code Represents the region codes of the region from the above columns
domain Logistics and supply chain
Sub_Domain Air traffic

Data Flow


  • ADSBHub-ADS-B Sharing System: Total No of DAGs file is 2
Entity ADSBHub
Frequency Daily
Updated On 20-06-2022 UTC 12:14:16 PM
- -
Coverage Covers 2240 stations
Uncertainties The older data might not be available.

Scope for Improvement

Following can be improved in the next version of the data product:

  • Every time Argo Workflow run, we overwrite existing data on the S3 bucket.
  • In future we might want to improve it to only scrap the data that we don’t already have.